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Choosing an insurance company for your home and auto insurance requires looking at each company carefully. State Farm and Allstate are two of the biggest home and auto insurers in the U.S., and both offer a home and auto bundle. We’ve compared them for bundling insurance to help you make the best choice.

Both State Farm and Allstate rate highly in customer service and claims satisfaction. However, State Farm offers a better deal on bundling home and auto insurance with an average rate of $2,853 a year after the discount, about $1,000 less than Allstate’s average bundle rate.

Read on to see how State Farm and Allstate stack up and discover which is better for you.

Key Takeaways

  • State Farm has lower auto and home rates when bundled at $2,853 on average compared to Allstate at $3,886.
  • For homeowners insurance alone, Allstate’s rates are lower, while State Farm’s auto rates are lower.
  • Both companies earned high customer satisfaction ratings and are among the best insurance companies of 2024. compares State Farm vs. Allstate for auto and home bundling

State Farm and Allstate are two of the top insurers in the country. Both offer various coverages and are available in nearly every state. While the companies have many similarities, they differ in rates and ratings.

State Farm offers cheaper rates when bundling auto and home coverage, but its home insurance rates are more expensive without the bundle. However, State Farm auto insurance is cheaper than Allstate coverage.

This might impact which company is better for you in a few ways. For example, State Farm’s average auto insurance rate is lower, but that’s based on a clean record. If you have a ticket, that rate will change, and maybe which company is best for you. The same can apply to the home insurance rate; specific factors will impact which company has the lower rate. rating comparison for State Farm vs. Allstate

State Farm outscored Allstate in the overall rating from’s Best Home Insurance Companies study and has a higher customer satisfaction rating. However, Allstate has a better National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) rating, which means it gets fewer complaints than similar insurance companies.

Comparison metricsState FarmAllstate overall rating4.324.24
Best forBundling home and auto insuranceClaims satisfaction and ease of use
Customer satisfaction rating4.224.15
NAIC rating0.950.90
AM Best ratingA++A+
State availabilityAll 50 and D.C.*All 50 and D.C.*

*Allstate and State Farm are not currently writing new home insurance policies in California; however, current home insurance customers can still bundle with auto,

State Farm vs. Allstate: Pros and cons

There are numerous pros and cons to consider when choosing between State Farm and Allstate. For example, State Farm rates well with customers on overall satisfaction and claims handling. On the other hand, Allstate offers an easy-to-use website and app and has a lower complaint ratio.

State FarmAllstate
Pros: Pros: 
High customer satisfaction ratingLow complaint ratio
Good claims handling ratingEasy to access policy information
Cons: Cons: 
Fewer discounts than competitorsHigher-than-average auto premiums
Higher average homeowners insurance ratesBundling discounts are not as high as competitors

State Farm vs. Allstate: Which has the most affordable rates?

State Farm provides cheaper average auto insurance, but Allstate’s homeowners insurance rates are lower. However, if you bundle auto and home insurance, State Farm’s rates are the lowest, and the discount saves you $938. Although Allstate’s bundling discount saves an average of $732, your bundled rates are higher than State Farm’s.

“My advice on tackling rating differences between companies is to mostly stay with one provider or broker unless it gets to a point where it personally seems unreasonable in cost,” says Zack Pope of David Pope Insurance

“That varies from person to person, but in general, I would not recommend changing companies unless you save approximately 20% or it’s to reduce exposure due to the company making adjustments to coverages offered on renewal,” he says.

CompanyAvg. annual auto premiumAvg. annual home premiumTotal without bundle Total with bundle % discount$ savings
State Farm$1,667 $2,124 $3,791 $2,853 24%$938
Allstate$2,875 $1,743 $4,619 $3,886 16%$732

State Farm vs. Allstate: Auto and home bundle rates by state

Auto insurance rates and requirements vary by state. However, State Farm offers a higher bundling discount than Allstate across the board. Check out the table below to see the average rates in your state.

State Allstate – Auto & home insurance before discount Allstate – Auto & home insurance after discount Allstate – % Savings State Farm – Auto & home insurance before discount State Farm – Auto & home insurance after discount State Farm – % Savings
Washington, D.C.$5,828$4,94615%$3,277$2,50624%
North Carolina$2,354$1,82323%
North Dakota$4,403$3,62018%$4,300$3,50019%
New Hampshire$3,200$2,50522%$2,139$1,61524%
New Jersey$3,393$2,66322%
New Mexico$3,567$2,62526%
New York$5,611$4,62918%$4,244$3,45019%
Rhode Island$5,076$3,96022%$2,246$1,73923%
South Carolina$4,025$3,47314%$3,740$2,76626%
South Dakota$5,243$4,44815%$5,100$3,65228%
West Virginia$4,316$3,57917%$3,148$2,36125%

*Rate data is not available for both home and auto in all states; however, where rates for either policy are available they have been included for informational purposes.

State Farm vs. Allstate: Customer satisfaction

Based on our 2024 Best Insurance Companies survey, State Farm rates significantly higher than Allstate for customer satisfaction. While 85% of State Farm customers are satisfied with their insurance, only 79% of Allstate customers are satisfied.

CompanyPercentage of customers who are satisfied
State Farm85%

State Farm vs. Allstate: Claims handling

Eighty-five percent of Allstate customers report being satisfied with claims handling compared to 82% of State Farm customers, a small difference in favor of Allstate.

CompanyPercentage of customers who are satisfied
State Farm82%

State Farm vs. Allstate for auto and home bundles: The bottom line

State Farm and Allstate offer home and auto insurance in every state and have similar customer service and claims satisfaction ratings.

However, State Farm does offer cheaper auto and home bundling and has a higher customer satisfaction rating. State Farm also offers a higher bundling discount in each state.

Allstate may be a good option if you’re only looking for homeowners insurance or if claims handling is important to you.

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